Dancefx has updated our COVID-19 safety and exposure policy as of March 3, 2022. These measures are to ensure that we do our part so that our staff, dancers, and their families stay healthy while attempting to return to normal procedures slowly and following the CDC guidelines. Dancefx will continue to encourage frequent hand washing and use of hand sanitizer, and continue with a higher standard of studio cleaning and disinfecting. If a dancer does not feel well, they should not come to the studio.
Masks are OPTIONAL for all students and visitors.
Students and visitors are required to wear a mask if they have a known exposure to someone with COVID-19 within the past 10 days, but have been cleared from any quarantine requirements as outlined below.
Please consider wearing a mask if you're unvaccinated, or if you prefer to for your safety.
Please don't come to Dancefx if you are ill (even if you know it is not COVID-19).
Dancers do not need to quarantine as long as they are symptom-free, but do need to wear a mask at the studio until day 10, and are highly encouraged to get tested on day 5 after exposure. Should they prefer to stay away from the studio during this time, they may request to join their classes via Zoom or make up the missed class in person afterward (within the same semester/session).
If a student or teacher tests positive for COVID-19 and if the positive test was within 72 hours of the positive person’s studio visit OR symptoms were present within 72 hours of a studio visit followed by a positive test,
The classroom participants will be notified by email immediately. Confidentiality of the person testing positive will be maintained.
Dancers should follow the CDC protocol outlined above, and wear a mask.
The person who tested positive will be provided a link to CDC guidelines on what to do if you are sick and must not visit the studio for a minimum of 5 days after the positive test or symptom onset, whichever comes later. When they do return to the studio, they must be fever-free for 24 hours, their symptoms must be improving, and they must wear a mask until day 10 after their positive test.
*Please use your discretion: If a Dancefx student or teacher is in a relationship (dependent, caretaker or otherwise) where it is unavoidable that one exposure wouldn’t lead to others, and the other party tests positive or is exposed, please follow the protocol as if the Dancefx member tested positive (or was exposed). Examples are significant others, small children or elderly care where there is greater chance for disease transmission.
Click here to read the CDC guidance on isolation and quarantine.
Athens Resources for Free Testing/Testing Covered By Most Insurance Providers:
Clarke County Health Department
Peachtree Immediate Care - Athens
Questions? Contact us or email Allison@DANCEFX.ORG.